Magento 2 Marketplace Extension - To Enhance Overall Selling and Shopping Experience

Magento 2 Marketplace Extension - To Enhance Overall Selling and Shopping Experience
Magento 2 Marketplace Extension - To Enhance Overall Selling and Shopping Experience

Nowadays, with e-commerce business in trend you want to stay ahead in the game with your website ranking on top rank. The task is accomplished when the vendors or sellers can easily manage most of their store activities on their own.

The Magento 2 marketplace extension lets you automate almost everything you need in a virtual marketplace like other e-commerce stores, for example, Amazon, eBay, etc.

With the help of Magento 2 extensions, the sellers can easily gain control over how they want to manage their sales, products, bills, transactions, and shipments, etc with the help of Seller Cpanel.  It also lets customers post their ratings and reviews for the sellers, their services or products as well.

Features that make Magento 2 marketplace extension a remarkable platform

Theme Compatibility

Irrespective of any Magento 2 themes you choose, Marketplace Magento 2 Extension can support every theme smoothly.

Easy to use interface for flawless marketplace experience

The Magento 2 Marketplace Extension is 100% mobile responsive and can be accessed on any device without any issues and it brings in the perfect marketing experience on your mobile device too.

REST API support

If you want REST API to let different apps connect with the data you provide easily then it is better to switch to Magento 2 marketplace extensions upgraded with API.

Advanced Report System

With Advanced Report feature available for sale on the marketplace, the entire selling process comes easy for your online store. The extension features:

  • A Sales report is displayed through a line chart on daily, monthly and yearly basis
  • For all last orders it shows: Show Date, customers, and subtotal
  • Shows up best seller with the product name, price, and its quantity.
  • Most viewed products- display product name, price, and its views
  • Top countries using the products- display country name and it’s where it is located on the map.

Exhibition of Sellers Feedback and Reviews

With the help of marketplace Magento 2 extension, it becomes easy for the customers to provide their feedbacks and reviews on any product they have bought.  Also, they can rate the vendor who deals with the product. The customer reviews are published only after they are approved by the administrator.

Easy to set up seller commission

The marketplace extension for Magento 2 allows you to set different commission structure easily for each seller. It really helps as there are different product categories on the store

Multiple commission rates for the vendors.

  • For each category, you can set individual commissions.
  • Set up easy rules for commissions for every product using product attribute.
  • Different commission rules can be created for vendors.
  • A commission can be set with a fixed as well as %age price.
  • Individual conditions can be set for products along with set as per commission rules.

Multiple products can be uploaded in bulk

With the help of marketplace extension, it becomes easy for the sellers to upload the products even when they are in bulk quantity. Also, they can export all the products at one go.  

Easy to use Seller Cpanel

The user-friendly user interface is simple and you don’t need any training to use it. After you sign up you can start using it and it allows you to sell without any hassles.

Supports all Magento 2 Themes

Marketplace Extension for Magento 2 supports most of Magento 2 themes.

Fully Mobile Optimized and responsive platform

The extension is perfect on different devices as it is completely mobile optimized and responsive to work on different screens. It makes overall users experience far better.

Check out for Multiple Vendor Products at one attempt

This feature lets your customers buy products from different vendors/sellers at one go, which makes the entire process easier for you as well.

Vendors can take the charge

Vendor/ Seller gain complete control over selling products, discounts, coupons, reviews, withdraws, accessing reports, gaining support, etc via frontend!

Ideal Marketplace for customers

The Magento 2 marketplace extension lets you access the perfect storefront you would love to work with. The amazing features and latest marketplace design lets your customers sail through the advanced shopping experience.

Individual Seller Profile

The extension helps the sellers to create their personal profile page so that they can easily market their services, products or brand.

Flexible Commission

  • Allows you to set multiple rates for commission for vendors.
  • Different conditions can be set for every rule.
  • It is easy to pay commission by a percent of the price of a product or through fixed price.

The seller can be approved automatically or Manually

The admin panel provides you 2 options that can help you either approve the seller manually or even automatically.

This makes choosing the best Magento 2 extension a wise move for any e-commerce business and gains complete control over your business.

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